TradeInvest Moderated the First Public Consultation on the Re-Development of Cristo-Rei
DILI, 27th July 2022 - The Director of the Directorate for the Investment Promotion of TradeInvest Timor-Leste Director. Ezaquiel da Costa Babo moderated the first Public Consultation in identifying the tourism investment opportunities for the re-development of Cristo- Rei in the public and private partnership modality (PPP) which took place in the Ministry of Finance auditorium room.
The purpose of the first consultation was to listen to the private sector and respective institutions in improving the implementation of the re-development of Cristo Rei in the PPP modality.
The event was conducted through collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, TradeInvest Timor-Leste and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Tourism for All Project.
The first Public Consultation was opened by the Vice Minister of Finance, Mr Antonio Freitas, who welcomed the private sectors that participated in the consultation, and encouraged the national private sector to engage in the investment.
During the event, the private sector appreciated and thanked the Government of Timor-Leste through the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, TradeInvest Timor-Leste and USAID (Tourism For All) for gathering the private sector in listening to their perspectives before implementing the Cristo-Rei tourism investment opportunity in the public and private partnership modality (PPP).
Before closing the consultation, the Director-General of Tourism, Mr Ijolino Soares, read out the timeline for the second consultation, which is planned to take place on 27 October 2022.
Lastly, the participants were composed of representatives from USAID Mrs. Zema Semungus, National Directorate of PPP, Representative of the Tourism Project for All, line ministries of MTCI, Ministry of Finance, TradeInvest Timor-Leste, respective private sectors of CCI-TL, ACCCTO, AMTL, Religious Tourism Association, AMTL, HOTL, Pelican Paradise, Timor Plaza, Palms Spring Hotel, JL.Villa, BNCTL, Manucoco Atauro, Compas, Mandiri, CEMILL Group, and other relevant private sectors.