TradeInvest Participated in the Interministerial Commission of Accession to WTO Meeting
Executive Director of Trade Investment and Export Promotion Agency (TradeInvest Timor-Leste) Eng. Arcanjo da Silva participated in the second Inter-Ministerial Commission meeting of Timor-Leste to become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The meeting was led by the Minister of Coordinator for Economic (MCAE) Eng. Joaquim Amaral.
The VIII Government Constitutional is continuing to put all effort into the political commitment to become a member of WTO to achieve the political commitment by the Inter-Ministerial Commission led by Coordinator Minister Of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral MCAE) Eng. Joaquim Amaral is currently also serving as the head of the negotiator of Timor-Leste to WTO. The objective of the meeting was to update the work and the current progress made by the working group.
The establishment of the Inter-Ministerial Commission Working Group based on the Prime Minister Dispatch number 077/PM/VI/2021, 20th of June, provided a working mechanism within its area and responsibility on the political articulate and legislative methods in line with the process of negotiation to become a member of WTO. It has been one of the external policies of the 8th Constitutional Government.
The Member of Inter-Ministerial Commission composed of Coordinator Minister Of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral (MCAE), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Health (MoS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), Ministry of Transport no Communication (MoTC), Ministry of Tourism, Commercial and Industry (MTCI), Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral (MPM) and Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Secretariat State for Environment, SEFOPE, TradeInvest, SERVE, IQTL, AIFAESA, ANC, And Central Bank of Timor-Leste based on the Prime-Minister Dispatch number 077/PM/VI/2021, 20th of June.
Lastly, the first Inter-Ministerial Commission meeting previously was held on 06 July 2021, TradeInvest Timor-Leste is one of the Autonomy Agencies which takes part in the commission has provided information and supporting the preparatory work required by the WTO Secretariat.